Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We're not in Kansas anymore...

Heeeelllllo, Wembley... Is this thing on?
You know times have changed when your higher ups ask you start a blog as part of an assignment. So much for having to convince the high schools' web-sitters to make a special exception for the wacky art teacher and let blogger.com slip through the filters. I'm not sure at this point what the overall emphasis of the new blog will be, as the days of having an hour and a half to dissect the events of the day or to wander down transcendental tangents are long gone (Ah, the days of planning periods bumping up against the twenty minute lunches), but I am starting by writing about an idea I ran across while reading for a class... and thought, that would be a cool idea for a blog (at least for awhile). Short. Sweet. Eh, we can use a new distraction. For all my old Teachers' Lounge readers (all three of you) who happen to stumble into my college years musings, I assume you'll run across an occasional TPA or even a Choose Your Own Adventure Friday before too long. Welcome new readers and old... put down that last minute reading for tomorrow's class, rub those bloodshot eyes, and promise yourself you'll get up early tomorrow to wrap up those last couple sentences on the midterm paper. Step into the lounge.

As always, stay sweet and have a great summer...

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